Physical Therapy at The Method

Your physical therapy experience at The Method will begin with an initial evaluation and physical exam. This includes a health history and certain testing procedures such as evaluation of posture, movement and flexibility, muscle and joint motion, and performance.

After a PT evaluation, which outlines a clinical diagnosis, prognosis, plan of care, and short/long term goals, the patient will then receive treatment and interventions. Treatment aims to restore physical function and mobility, maintain physical function, and promote physical activity and return to the patient’s prior level of function.

Patients must provide a photo ID and insurance card at the initial evaluation. We are a participating Medicare provider. We are out of network for other insurance providers. If you would like to know more about your particular coverage and benefits, we are happy to assist.

To get started, please fill out the following intake form. You will be contacted by a team member directly to schedule your first appointment. Thank you!

Physical Therapy Patient Intake Form